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Catalytic Converters
What precious metals are inside a catalytic converter that make them worth recycling?
There is quite a large list of precious metals that can be recycled from a catalytic converter. These include palladium, platinum, rhodium, copper, nickel, cerium, manganese, etc.

Why are there precious metals in a catalytic converter?
Catalytic converters are part of the exhaust system that passes the gas from your engine over catalysts. The catalyst converts dangerous molecules like carbon monoxide, into safe molecules like carbon dioxide.
This process does not cause a change in the catalyst materials like palladium. This is why, along with the number of recyclable materials, catalytic converters are valuable to scrap metal recyclers.
How do I know I will be getting the best price?
Not knowing what your Catalytic converter is worth can make you uncertain if you're getting a fair deal, or being ripped off.
Catalytic converters mostly all have a serial or part number and belong to a category. For example, there are Small Foreign, Medium Foreign, and Large Foreign converters, and each one will have a different daily spot price based on the amount of precious metals inside them.
Empire Metals uses the daily market price on every item we recycle, so you can be sure you are getting the best deal.
Once you have become a regular customer of ours we offer a grade by picture process, where you send the picture of the converter to us and get an on the spot price for it.
Can you recycle diesel particulate filter (DPF) catalytic converters?
Yes, we recycle diesel particulate filters. Diesel particulate filters have some differences to gasoline engine converters. As diesel releases different exhaust gases, particles and burns colder.
This leads to diesel catalytic converters having different needs for removing diesel particulate matter from the emissions to reduce how much makes it out of the converter.
Those differences however do not change the fact that the precious metals inside the converters can, and should be recycled.
Automotive Parts
Other Automotive Parts We Take

Starters are a great source of scrap copper. They have copper cable that is wound to create the core.
Radiators come in copper, aluminum, and aluminum/copper varieties. All can be sold to us for recycling.
Wheel Weights
Made of lead, or Zinc. These are recycled and priced by weight.
Very similar to starters, alternators consist of a wound copper core, and both often have steel or aluminum cases and other recyclable materials.
Rims come in a variety of metals. Aluminum, chrome, steel and other alloys are used. Prices are dependent on the material.
Transmissions are made up of Aluminum, and steel cast. Just be sure to have the oil pans off, and no oil in them.